Boldyn Networks deploys additional fiber crossing to its NY/NJ metro network

Boldyn Networks deploys additional fiber crossing to its NY/NJ metro network

February 11, 2025

News provided by

Boldyn Networks 

Feb 11, 2025, 08:00 ET

In partnership with GIX, Boldyn connects NY and NJ with two distinct Hudson River fiber crossings.

NEW YORK, Feb. 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Boldyn Networks (Boldyn), a major provider of dark and lit fiber in New York, New Jersey and California, now offers two diverse fiber crossings of the Hudson River to connect Manhattan and New Jersey. In addition to its own fiber network, Boldyn has partnered with Global InterXchange, LLC (GIX), a provider of dark fiber infrastructure solutions, to utilize the southernmost fiber crossing connecting Lower Manhattan and Northern New Jersey. 

“Mission-critical information requires diverse pathways to ensure continuity, and the GIX Hudson crossing gives Boldyn customers a highly reliable, low-latency parallel connection for both dark and lit fiber in New York and New Jersey,” said Chris Schook, Vice President, Wholesale & Enterprise Solutions for Boldyn Networks, US

Boldyn offers scalable wavelength service across its fiber network in New York and New Jersey, including along the GIX crossing. Boldyn was one of the first fiber providers in the world to deploy Ciena’s WaveLogic 6 technology which supports 1.6Tb/s per channel, and its current offering is scalable to meet the current and future growth needs of its customers, including 100Gb/s, 400Gb/s, scaling to 800Gb/s and up to 1.6Tb/s in the future. 

“Our network, and specifically the Hudson crossing, was designed for partnerships like this with Boldyn — to offer diverse and redundant high-speed connectivity for regional growth and innovation in a highly secure and protected route through the PATH tunnel,” said Gregory Nugent, EVP of Sales and Infrastructure at GIX

The GIX Hudson crossing includes 1.4 miles of fiber cables as the first privately owned, greenfield, carrier-neutral installation across the Hudson River in two decades, linking key integration hubs 60 Hudson Street in New York and 165 Halsey Street in New Jersey. 

About Boldyn Networks
Boldyn Networks is one of the world’s largest neutral host providers, delivering the advanced shared network infrastructure needed for a smart, inclusive, and sustainable future. It brings together the combined scale and expertise of industry-leading companies with a single purpose: to unlock the power of an interconnected future. From interconnected transit, venues and enterprises, smart cities, next-generation and bespoke private networks, to smart campuses, Boldyn enables new possibilities in the way people live, work and play. Bringing connectivity to the most complex environments. Our portfolio is harnessing fiber, advancing 4G/LTE, accelerating 5G, preparing for 6G–and looking beyond to the next breakthroughs. With headquarters in the UK, our global operations span North America, Europe, and Asia. Boldyn Networks. Reimagine tomorrow. Transform today. Learn more at:

About GIX
GIX is a dark fiber provider focused on serving Manhattan and New Jersey with diverse routes between major local exchanges. The current focus of GIX is the backbone route from 165 Halsey 9th floor MMR in New Jersey to 60 Hudson at HudIX, NYI, Databank, Digital Realty and QTD in Manhattan via the southernmost Hudson crossing with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Visit for more information. 

For more information contact
Scott Christiansen
VP, Marketings & Communications
Boldyn Networks

Theresa Lipiro
For GIX 
+1(914) 260-1280 

SOURCE Boldyn Networks


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